Saturday, 25 April 2015

Eliminating What I Thought Were Blackheads Once and For All: Mario Badescu Silver Powder and Origins Modern Friction

Let's talk about blackheads, and what they apparently aren't. I thought I suffered with blackheads through all of my teenage years, right up to present day. Actually, I haven't. Instead, I have suffered with sebaceous filaments. These are blackheads in disguise. They don't look too dissimilar to blackheads, in that they are dark, clogged pores. When you squeeze them they excrete a translucent/white gunk, yet they never seem to be cleared. Alternatively, blackheads are actually much darker, and can raise the surrounding skin. When you get rid of a blackhead, it's gone for good... Unless it comes back. 

It was while reading Really Ree's post Is it a Blackhead? And How to Treat it! that the whole thing really hit home with me. "Yes, my blackheads never stay gone!" I exclaimed out loud, in my mind. And everything came into perspective, I was treating them all wrong. 

I actually accidentally discovered the answer to my face. While it's far from perfect, I am in love with my unclogged de-gunked pores right now.  Thank you Mario Badescu's Silver Powder and thank you Origin's Modern Friction for giving me the answers I never knew I always needed. 

The routine is simple. Silver Powder is a face mask that is activated with water. This is applied first then rinsed away with the help of Modern Friction; an exfoliating gel.

Mario Badescu Silver Powder

When I first purchased Mario Badescu's Silver Powder, I was rightfully confused. What even is Silver Powder? Well, it is just that. Except it's white instead. 

Supposedly, you dip a wet cotton pad into the powder and blot it onto your face. But when I did this, I found that it was difficult to evenly distribute and the cotton often transferred. Ideally, this powder needs to be mixed with water to form a paste, and then applied to the face like you would a conventional mask. The thing is, the  powder absolutely disappears in water. Like, some serious dissolving right there. So mix your water sparingly. A few drops, even. Apply the paste to all problem areas of your face and let it sit for 10 minutes. 

You'll find that as the mask starts to dry up on your face, it will turn back into powder (thank you). Meaning it will begin to fall off even when you think you're not moving, getting it all over your clothes and house. Problem. Big problem. But not big enough to make me hate it, given the results.

I saw results from this product instantaneously. After the first use, literally. And I hate that, I know, it's corny and untrustworthy, but after the first use I saw a massive reduction in clogged pores. And I continue to see results week after week. 

Essentially, the product seems to take all those real tricky articles in pores and remove them. That's what a lot of clay masks claim to do, but this one actually does it. This doesn't mean my pores are invisible. It means my pores are cleared. My pore size is still large, unfortunately. But they are far less noticeable because they aren't filled with any dark matter. Instead, they are now just fleshy coloured, and I really can't get enough of seeing that. 

When you rinse off the powder it then turns back into a paste. It's a lot of powder-to-paste-to-powder-to-paste with this process, and while it's messy, it's worth it. This powder is very light on skin. You will not feel it drying and hardening. In fact, you won't feel it on your face or doing anything to your face at all. But it is. 

Origin's Modern Friction

Origin's Modern Friction is an exfoliator, and it's a strange one at that, but a great one. 

It's fairly unconventional. Most exfoliators I've encountered have contained microbeads or have been a chemical fussed gel. Instead, this is like a thick, creamy gel, that, when smoothed into damp skin, turns into a thin, silky cream. It also contains rice starch, which are really soft clumps that roll around your face. It's odd at first, but instantly refreshing. It feels very comforting and it effortlessly helps remove the sticky Silver Powder.


I have moderately sensitive skin and I let this product sit on my face for ~30 seconds. Never do that. My skin became very raw, red and sensitised. But don't let that be a deterrent. This product work perfectly when removed instantly. Use it to scrub, then wash away.

This product will last a long time. You only need a very small, 2 pea sized amount to cover your entire face as it spreads like a dream. Always apply to damp skin. Not only does this help the product spread further, but it also reduces irritation.

Both of these products are extremely powerful and successful. But they are also extremely drying. I find that after using these products it is always best to follow it up with either an extremely hydrating moisturiser, or an oil. I always use PureChimp's Super One (Natural Face Oil) as it prevents any dehydration or dryness.

I do this combination 2-3 times a week. After the first use, I saw results from the Silver Powder. Small results, but results nonetheless. After a month of use, the pores of my forehead were completely cleared and colourless. I am still trying to combat my cheeks and nose. These are far more stubborn areas of skin. But I still continue to use the products on the no-longer-congested-areas to prevent a comeback tour. 

They aren't perfect. Both of these products have some pretty major faults. But when used together, their results are so successful that I can't help but look past all that. They have become an absolutely essential part of my skin care routine.

Mario Badescu's Silver Powder can be purchased from Beauty Bay for £10.25 / 1OZ (UK Retailer). For the brand listing, visit Mario Badescu

Origin's Modern Friction can be purchased from Origins for £33.00 / 125ML. Alternatively, a smaller 50ML version for £12.50 can be purchased from John Lewis

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